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Northern Mission is a travel blog that lists recommendations for traveling, traveling tips, a photo gallery of a particular place or country, and other interesting things about traveling based on the perspective of Naufal Hanif Nur Muhana. Sharing tips and information for traveling lovers is the purpose of this site.

  • Disclaimer


And in that context, we try to give interesting writing to one case or based on our opinion as traveling lovers. The information written here is made in good faith to the readers. However, what readers do after reading the articles on this site is their responsibility.

Northern Mission will also include several links outside this site itself as references related to the writings provided and that is felt to be beneficial to readers. Therefore, we have no control over the content of the referenced site. The owner of the site has the right to make changes or deletions before we delete the link in the article on this site.

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Northern Mission always tries to provide useful links, but the decision to use affiliate products or not remains in the hands of readers. And to provide comfort to loyal readers of Northern Mission, it will be mentioned if the link is an affiliate link.

  • Privacy Policy


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  • Contact


Northern Mission as mentioned in the About section, is a personal blog that contains information sharing related to the world of traveling. Northern Mission will continue to strive to provide information related to travel recommendations, tips, tricks, and other information.

If anyone wants to ask or give criticism and suggestions can send an email to, because the Contact Form is not currently activated. Thank you and happy reading!


Wherever you are and wherever you go, may you always be safe and full of happiness!

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Take only memories, leave only footprints!

- Chief Seattle

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